
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

"Cubadebate: Lo más leído y comentado en 2013"

11:37 AM - 31 Dec 13 · Details


"Cubadebate: Lo más leído y comentado en 2013

31 diciembre 201320 Comentarios
Cubadebate 2013Aquí les presentamos la relación de textos más leídos, compartidos y más comentados de Cubadebate este año.
A todos nuestros lectores y colaboradores muchas felicidades en este año nuevo y nuestra gratitud, especialmente, para el alma de este proyecto y un imán de internautas: Fidel.
Un abrazo, a todos los que acompañan diariamente a Cubadebate, sus hacedores.
Vea lo más leído en Cubadebate en el 2009, 2010, 2011 y 2012.

Lo más leído

  1. La leyenda del puente de los candados de París
  2. Cae meteorito en Rusia y deja más de 950 heridos (+ Video y Fotos)
  3. 50 verdades sobre Henrique Capriles Radonski, candidato a la presidencia de Venezuela
  4. Capital de Egipto amanece cubierta de nieve (+ Fotos)
  5. Protagonista de “Rápido y Furioso” muere en accidente de tránsito en California
  6. Explican científicos cubanos propiedades médicas de la moringa
  7. Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática
  8. El deber de evitar una guerra en Corea
  9. Los hoteles más originales y raros del mundo (+ Fotos)
  10. Perdimos nuestro mejor amigo
  11. Aduana aclara detalles sobre importación en Cuba
  12. Falleció el presidente Hugo Chávez (+Video)
  13. La mentira tarifada
  14. ARTÍCULO DE FIDEL: Mandela ha muerto ¿Por qué ocultar la verdad sobre el Apartheid?
  15. Entrarán en vigor nuevas regulaciones para la venta minorista de vehículos
  16. CNN en español quedó en ridículo en entrevista a Evo Morales
  17. Furor en las redes sociales por breve apretón de manos entre Obama y Raúl (+ Fotos y Video)
  18. En fotos, Chávez, una vida dedicada a la lucha por el pueblo
  19. Polémica tras documental en Rusia: “En la URSS todos teníamos suficiente sol y pan”
  20. Expertos rusos predicen las siete posibles guerras del futuro

Lo más comentado

Los que más comentaron

  1. Sergio
  2. Liliana
  3. TNT
  4. carlos
  5. Pepe
  6. jose
  7. Hendris Manuel
  8. gilberto
  9. luis
  10. yasser
  11. César
  12. jorge
  13. Miguel
  14. Ramón García
  15. Ernesto
  16. yo
  17. Adrián
  18. alex
  19. osvaldo
  20. Alejandro

Temas más tratados

Autores más publicados

Países que más nos visitaron

  1. Cuba
  2. Estados Unidos
  3. México
  4. España
  5. Venezuela
  6. Argentina
  7. Colombia
  8. Chile
  9. Perú
  10. Ecuador

Principales fuente de visitas

  1. Google
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10:31 AM - 31 Dec 13 · Details

10:32 AM - 31 Dec 13 · Details


"Comando irrumpe en el domicilio de la periodista Anabel Hernández

Anabel Hernández, periodista. Foto: Germán Canseco
Anabel Hernández, periodista.
Foto: Germán Canseco
MÉXICO, D.F. ( Un grupo armado ingresó al domicilio de la periodista Anabel Hernández la tarde del pasado sábado 21 de diciembre.
Testigos relataron al diario Reforma que al menos 10 personas irrumpieron ese día a otras tres viviendas de la colonia San Juan Totoltepec, en Naucalpan, Estado de México.
Los sujetos entraron al domicilio de Hernández por una ventana que no fue dañada; aparentemente usaron barretas.
Las puertas de la vivienda no fueron violadas y se presume que los intrusos botaron los seguros.
Según versiones del rotativo, el hecho causó pánico entre los residentes de la calle Río Echegaray, ya que el comando portaba fusiles y armas cortas y mantuvo a la zona en vilo por lo menos durante media hora.
Ninguna autoridad intervino, aun cuando a una cuadra del lugar se localiza un módulo de seguridad.
Los vecinos aseguran que los sujetos armados primero dijeron ser agentes judiciales, luego que eran “zetas” y posteriormente que pertenecían a la Policía Federal, con el argumento de que realizaban un operativo.
Los hombres, quienes llegaron a bordo de camionetas particulares sin placas de circulación, iban vestidos de civil y se comunicaban por radio con palabras como “comandante” y “jefe” en el momento en que reportaban las incursiones en los domicilios, detalla Reforma.
Al llegar a la colonia el comando se desplegó sobre la calle Río Echegaray y aseguraron el perímetro de la zona habitacional.
Además, arrancaron los dispositivos de los sistemas de videovigilancia, entre ellos el de la casa de Anabel Hernández.
Durante la irrupción el grupo armado “levantó” a dos personas, entre ellas al escolta de Hernández, asignado a la periodista por la Procuraduría General del Distrito Federal luego de que se publicara el libro Los señores del narco, en 2010.
El guardia se encontraba afuera del domicilio de la periodista, fue subido a una camioneta y más tarde abandonado en otro punto del Estado de México. Por este hecho Hernández levantó una denuncia.
Anabel Hernández, quien en el momento de la irrupción no se encontraba en su domicilio, interpuso una denuncia ante el agente del Ministerio Público de la Federación adscrito a la Fiscalía Especial para la Atención de Delitos Cometidos contra la Libertad de Expresión, de la Subprocuraduría de Derechos Humanos de la PGR, con el expediente AP.179/FEADLE/2013.
En marzo de este año, Anabel denunció la falta de protección de las autoridades ante las amenazas de muerte que ha recibido, lo que en ese entonces la obligó a cancelar su visita a Chihuahua, donde presentaría su libro México en llamas.
La periodista explicó a los presentadores de su obra y al público asistente al museo de la Lealtad Republicana, que las autoridades del Distrito Federal turnaron su caso a la Procuraduría General de la República (PGR).
Los agentes de la PGR son los mismos que la han amenazado, por lo que no garantizan su seguridad, aseguró Hernández, y dijo que instancias internacionales como el gobierno de Francia interceden para que el gobierno del DF continúe brindándole custodia.
Hernández recriminó que el Estado no garantice la seguridad de los periodistas ni de todos los ciudadanos, ya que no le importan."


Noam Chomsky: "EE.UU. es el principal Estado terrorista en el mundo"Texto completo en:
10:44 AM - 18 Jun 13 · Details
11:59 AM - 23 Jun 13 · Details
Cada historia posee sus propios héroes y/o heroínas, sus ángeles y sus demonios... FIDEIIUS.
Each story has its own heroesand/or heroines, its angels, and demons... FIDEIIUS.
The universe is not a supermarket, nor a store... Fideiius

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


There is a pale handwritten note on the cover: If it is not in the file: ask Mr. Snowden...

"The Federalist" *

Where is the feather...?

Once again, guys...!

Hay que jugar limpio...



"Greenwald: Snowden no pide de nuevo asilo a Brasil en carta abierta"

"NSA phone surveillance program likely unconstitutional, federal judge rules
• Dragnet 'likely' in breach of fourth amendment
• Judge describes scope of program as 'Orwellian'
• Ruling relates to collection of Americans' metadata

"Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional

The NSA headquarters are pictured. | AP Photo
The ruling is the first significant legal setback for the NSA’s surveillance program. | AP Photo

A federal judge ruled Monday that the National Security Agency program which collects information on nearly all telephone calls made to, from or within the United States is likely unconstitutional.
U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon found that the program appears to violate the Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable searches and seizures. He also said the Justice Department had failed to demonstrate that collecting the information had helped to head off terrorist attacks.

Feinstein, Chambliss defend NSA

Politicians sound off on Snowden


Latest on POLITICO

Acting on a lawsuit brought by conservative legal activist Larry Klayman, Leon issued a preliminary injunction barring the NSA from collecting so-called metadata pertaining to the Verizon accounts of Klayman and one of his clients. However, the judge stayed the order to allow for an appeal.
(Also on POLITICO: NSA probe: Snowden can still do damage)
“I cannot imagine a more ‘indiscriminate’ and ‘arbitrary invasion’ than this systematic and high-tech collection and retention of personal data on virtually every single citizen for purposes of querying it and analyzing it without judicial approval,” wrote Leon, an appointee of President George W. Bush.
The preliminary injunction Leon granted Monday does not require him to make a definitive ruling on the constitutional questions in the case, but does take account of which side he believes is more likely to prevail.
Leon’s 68-page opinion is the first significant legal setback for the NSA’s surveillance program since it was disclosed in June in news stories based on leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden. For seven years, the metadata program has been approved repeatedly by numerous judges on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and found constitutional by at least one judge sitting in a criminal case.
(WATCH: Boehner says Edward Snowden is a ‘traitor’)
The Justice Department persuaded those courts that the collection of information on the time and length of calls, as well as the numbers called, did not amount to a search under the Fourth Amendment because that information is routinely available to telephone companies for billing purposes and is shared with those firms voluntarily.
Government lawyers and the judges who found the NSA program legal pointed to a 1979 Supreme Court ruling, Smith v. Maryland, which found no search warrant was needed by police to install a device which recorded the numbers dialed on a particular phone line.
But Leon said the three-decade-old precedent was not applicable to a program like the NSA’s because of its sophistication and because telephone use has become far more intense in recent years.
(Also on POLITICO: Military keeps cyber control at NSA)
“The ubiquity of phones has dramatically altered the quantity of information that is now available and, more importantly, what that information can tell the Government about people’s lives,” the judge wrote. “I cannot possibly navigate these uncharted Fourth Amendment waters using as my North Star a case that predates the rise of cell phones.”
The judge went on to conclude that the searches involved in the NSA metadata program were likely not permissible under the Fourth Amendment in part because there was little evidence the program has actually prevented terrorism.
“I have significant doubts about the efficacy of the metadata collection program as a means of conducting time-sensitive investigations in cases involving imminent threats of terrorism,” Leon wrote. “The government does not cite a single instance in which analysis of the NSA’s bulk metadata collection actually stopped an imminent attack, or otherwise aided the Government in achieving any objective that was time-sensitive in nature.”
Edward Snowden himself praised the decision.“I acted on my belief that the NSA’s mass surveillance programs would not withstand a constitutional challenge, and that the American public deserved a chance to see these issues determined by open courts. Today, a secret program authorized by a secret court was, when exposed to the light of day, found to violate Americans’ rights. It is the first of many.”
(Also on POLITICO: W.H. declines to split NSA, Cyber Command)
The judge’s ruling was issued just before White House press secretary Jay Carney took the podium for the daily press briefing. Carney said he was unaware of the decision and he referred inquiries to the Justice Department.
“We are reviewing the court’s decision,” DOJ spokesman Andrew Ames said.
Similar lawsuits challenging the program are pending in at least three other federal courts around the country. In addition, criminal defendants are beginning to challenge the program after the Justice Department disclosed it had played a role in investigating their cases.
Critics of the NSA program leapt on Leon’s decision as evidence that the legal foundation of the surveillance effort is deeply flawed.
“The ruling underscores what I have argued for years: The bulk collection of Americans’ phone records conflicts with Americans’ privacy rights under the U.S. Constitution and has failed to make us safer,” Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) said in a statement urging passage of legislation ending the so-called bulk collection program. “We can protect our national security without trampling our constitutional liberties,” he added.
At a hearing last month, Leon said he knew that his decision would be far from the last word on the issue, which is almost certain to wind up at the Supreme Court.
However, he added some flair to his opinion Monday, referring at one point to the Beatles and at another to Federalist Papers author James Madison, who later became president.
“Surely, such a program infringes on ‘that degree of privacy’ that the Founders enshrined in the Fourth Amendment. Indeed, I have little doubt that the author of our Constitution, James Madison, who cautioned us to beware ‘the abridgement of freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments by those in power’ would be aghast,” the judge wrote.

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4:22 AM - 17 Dec 13 · Details

4:05 AM - 17 Dec 13 · Details

4:38 PM - 17 Dec 13 · Details
Noam Chomsky: "EE.UU. es el principal Estado terrorista en el mundo"Texto completo en:
10:44 AM - 18 Jun 13 · Details
11:59 AM - 23 Jun 13 · Details
Cada historia posee sus propios héroes y/o heroínas, sus ángeles y sus demonios... FIDEIIUS.
Each story has its own heroesand/or heroines, its angels, and demons... FIDEIIUS.
The universe is not a supermarket, nor a store... Fideiius