
Tuesday, May 17, 2011



NOTA: Hace unos segundos, esta opinión emitida por este ocioso tecleador apareció de nueva cuenta --como por arte de magia-- con las enmiendas que realizase el pasado día 13; a quien lo haya permitido, sea Wikileaks, a directa petición escrita via twitter hecha por quien escribe, o sea Google: muchas gracias, ya que es obsequio para l@s apreciables lector@s y sin fines de lucro... Conservaré el "draft" o borrador previo (con ciertas enmiendas), mismo que obra reproducido en su fecha líneas abajo para pronta referencia, por lo que han de tenerse aquí por insertos aquellos segmentos que no contradigan a la presente opinión, sino sólo aquéllas frases, oraciones, cláusulas, párrafos, citas y ligas cibernéticas que le enriquezcan, como si a la letra se insertarsen y en obvio de repeticiones innecesarias.



“Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege”,

 "No crime, no punishment without a previous penal law",

Come on guys.. the show most go on...!

"WikiLeaks: grand jury hearing opens in US

The FBI has ordered a resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts to testify at a grand jury investigation into WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange, who faces the possibility of being charged with espionage in the United States.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange: WikiLeaks: grand jury hearing opens in US

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange Photo: REUTERS
The jury, which will decide if an indictment is brought, met in secret in Alexandria, Virginia. The subpoena, which was leaked to the news website, indicated that the Department of Justice is seriously examining possible violations of the draconian 1917 Espionage Act.

Prosecutors are keen to show that Mr Assange and his organisation encouraged and abetted the leaking of a vast trove of American military and diplomatic documents, which has stunned and infuriated Washington.

Bradley Manning, a US army intelligence analyst, is suspected of leaking the information and is currently in military custody. Earlier reports said that two students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology had aided Mr Manning, though it is not clear if either was the man ordered to testify on Wednesday.

Journalists are not allowed to attend grand jury hearings, which often last more than a year and usually result in a prosecution. However, a non-government party has never been prosecuted under the Espionage Act.

Mr Assange is currently in Britain fighting an extradition order to Sweden for a sexual assault case. His lawyers have argued that Sweden would be merely a stop on the way to extradition in the US.

The Barack Obama administration is in the midst of an unprecedented crackdown against leakers of official material, with five federal prosecutions currently under way."


"Wednesday, Apr 27, 2011 13:28 ET

FBI serves Grand Jury subpoena likely relating to WikiLeaks




WikiLeaks: Julian Assange sex assault court case branded a 'show trial'

The Swedish authorities are turning the sexual assault case against Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks founder, into a "show trial", his lawyers claimed.

The Swedish authorities are turning the sexual assault case against Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder, into a 'show trial', his lawyers claimed: Wikileaks: Julian Assange sex assault court case branded a 'show trial'

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Mark Stephens speaks to the media outside the City of Westminster Magistrates Court Photo: REUTERS
Mark Stephens attacked the decision by the Swedish authorities to appeal against a judge's ruling to grant the 39 year-old Australian bail.
He said their decision was now a "'persecution" rather than a prosecution and was politically motivated.

He accused the authorities of stopping at nothing to have the Wikileaks founder behind bars, a claim they denied.

"Finally after two hours we have heard the Swedes want to appeal against the bail conditions and put Mr Assange through yet more trouble, more expense and more hurdles," he told reporters outside City of Westminister Magistrates Court.

"It is really turning into a show trial and we will be in court again within the next 48 hours as soon as we have all the information."

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"It is an unfortunate state of affairs given that we were obviously very relieved for Mr Assange a few hours ago now that the Swedes have taken this position. But given their persecution of Mr Assange perhaps it is not surprising."

Earlier Mr Stephens praised the celebrities who have backed Mr Assange since his arrest, some of who offered to stump up the £200,000 surety to secure his release.

"We have a number of people who were prepared to stand the surety of £20,000 each," he said.

"Jemima Khan, Bianca Jagger, John Pilger and Ken Loach, among others, are pillars of the community who have risked their reputation to stand by him [Mr Assange]."

Mr Stephens added Assange was 'worried' about his colleagues at Wikileaks but said he understood they had to carry on their work while he was incarcerated.

Mr Assange's legal team will now take the case to the High Court to secure his release on bail while he continues to await extradition to Sweden.

Mr Stephens said his client “believed in British justice”.

“But there is a problem because he has been granted bail on condition that £200,000 is paid into the court,” he said.

“That is an awful lot of money.”

Mr Stephens said it would take an "inordinate" length of time to get the bail money together.

"Until then we have an innocent man in Dickensian, Victorian conditions in Wandsworth jail," he said.

"It is impossible to say how long it will take before Julian Assange is out. The problem is £200,000 cannot be put in by cheque as that takes seven days to clear.

"So I have to go around to find cash and have it delivered to court, and until the court has it an innocent man stays in jail."

Mr Stephens branded the bail conditions "Orwellian" and said he would ask to relax them at a later date.

He warned the extradition process could take "many years" and highlighted the ongoing ordeal of Gary McKinnon, the British computer expert wanted in the US for hacking into military computer systems.

The lawyer said his client could not speak to other prisoners at Wandsworth Prison and was locked up for 23 hours a day.

He added that mail was not getting through and a copy of Time magazine featuring Assange was "ripped up by the censors" and he was only given an empty envelope.

Mr Stephens said author Hanif Kureishi and filmmaker Michael Moore were among the people who offered to give surety on behalf of the WikiLeaks founder.

"These are pillars of the community prepared to stand their reputation behind Julian Assange," he said."


"WikiLeaks and the Espionage Act

Why Julian Assange is different from the New York Times."



Centro de Alerta para la Defensa de los Pueblos

Investigación, análisis, documentación y denuncias sobre la injerencia y subversión contra los pueblos de América Latina

"Noam Chomsky*: Estados Unidos es el mayor terrorista del mundo..."

Institute Professor and professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology*

EEUU despilfarró miles de millones de dólares del area social de Irak

“We don’t do body counts”.- General Tommy Franks

"Hey, bad guys: If it is certain that you in God trust, you should not be afraid, just let the music play…!”. FIDEIIUS (Fideiius).


Perseguido por EEUU: Camarógrafo estadounidense que filmó imágenes del 11/9 enfrenta extradición

The Washington Post: Estados Unidos es el vergonzoso suministrador de armas al narcotráfico


"Tres generaciones se han echado a perder por mi culpa: Rius"


"Noam Chomsky: Los cables de WikiLeaks revelan un “profundo odio a la democracia por parte de nuestra dirigencia política”

“Debemos comprender -y los Papeles del Pentágono son otro ejemplo claro- que una de las principales razones del secreto gubernamental es proteger al gobierno contra su propia población”


Stépahne Hessel: “No estoy aquí para testimoniar sobre lo que pasó en Chile. Estoy aquí para hablar en nombre de la evolución del derecho internacional, que siempre es demasiado lenta. Para mí este juicio representa un paso adelante porque vivimos en un mundo en el que los crímenes impunes pesan sobre la conciencia internacional” (Referida por Anne Marie Mergier en “ Sentencia implacable”

Universal Rights and Universal Values... But that is romantically substantive for those who try to ignore the Universal Jurisdiction and its procedures to evade justice... FIDEIIUS (Fideiius)

Los cables sobre México en WikiLeaks

Sitio especial de La Jornada sobre WikiLeaks"

"En una extensa entrevista con 60 minutes, Julian Assange, fundador de Wikileaks, dice: “Somos activistas por la libertad de expresión. No se trata de salvar a las ballenas, se trata de darle a la gente la información que necesita para apoyar o no la caza de ballenas. ¿Por qué? Son los ingredientes crudos que se necesitan para hacer una sociedad justa. Sin ellos, simplemente estás navegando en la oscuridad”.- Julian Assange. (Tomado de 'La Jornada')

Be Traist...!

Just let the hammock swing...!

P.D.: "Agua de Coco Pa' Toch@s" *

"Once again, the cat is shaking the roof...!" *


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