
Thursday, March 28, 2013


3:25 PM - 26 Mar 13 · Details

3:25 PM - 26 Mar 13 · Details

5:13 PM - 28 Mar 13 · Details

5:58 PM - 28 Mar 13 · Details

"President Obama: We Have Not Forgotten What Happened in Newtown"

6:23 PM - 28 Mar 13 · Details

Do not forget, they had a dream...

Andrea Bocelli interpreta 'Te extraño', de Armando Manzanero.
"Demandan alcaldes de EU "acción" contra violencia de armas
Familiares de víctimas piden a los líderes políticos que aprueben, entre otras medidas, revisiones obligatorias a los compradores de armas para evitar que caigan en manos de personas con antecedentes penales o enfermedades mentales.

Publicado: 28/03/2013 12:49

Washington. La coalición de Alcaldes contra las Armas Ilegales lanzó hoy una Jornada de más de 120 eventos en varias ciudades estadunidenses para "demandar acción" al Congreso para que impulse medidas que terminen con la violencia de las armas.

La coalición también divulgó el primer anuncio de familiares de las víctimas de la masacre en la escuela elemental Sandy Hook, en la localidad Newtown, Connecticut, en diciembre pasado en el que murieron 20 niños.

En el anuncio, los familiares piden a los líderes políticos que aprueben, entre otras medidas, revisiones obligatorias a los compradores de armas para evitar que caigan en manos de personas con antecedentes penales o enfermedades mentales.

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, tiene previsto este jueves una reunión con los sobrevivientes de la violencia de las armas, miembros de las fuerzas del orden y madres de familia para urgir al Congreso que reforme las leyes sobre las armas.

"No podemos esperar que ocurra otra tragedia, ya es tiempo que los funcionarios electos escuchen a sus electores", puntualizó en un comunicado el copresidente de la coalición, el alcalde de Nueva York, Michael Bloomberg.

La coalición anunció recientemente la contratación de docenas de organizadores y la apertura de oficinas en diez estados.

Bloomberg informó el pasado fin de semana el lanzamiento de una nueva campaña de publicidad valorada en 12 millones de dólares para presionar a las legislaturas estatales a respaldar los esfuerzos de control de armas.

El Senado en Washington, dominado por demócratas, está impulsando la ampliación de las medidas de verificación de antecedentes de todos aquellos que deseen adquirir armas de fuego.

Sin embargo, los senadores demócratas han reconocido que existe una falta de apoyo para restablecer la prohibición de armas de asalto derogada por la administración del presidente George W. Bush.

La Asociación Nacional del Rifle (NRA), que defiende la posesión de armas de fuego con base a la Segunda Enmienda de la Constitución, criticó el lanzamiento de la campaña.

"Lo que Michael Bloomberg está tratando de hacer es ... intimidar a los senadores a no escuchar a los electores y en vez de ello que le den su confianza y lealtad a él y a su dinero", dijo el portavoz de la NRA, Andrew Arulanandam."


"Demand Action To End Gun Violence. A Campaign Of Mayors Against Illegal Guns

We Have A Plan, Now It's Time To Congress To Act"

"President Obama and Vice President Biden have proposed a comprehensive strategy to fight gun violence. And now bills have been introduced in both houses of Congress to make those priorities into laws that will save countless lives. But our work is far from done. The time has come to Demand Action.

New polls released this week by Mayors Against Illegal Guns conducted by Douglas E. Schoen LLC showed likely voters in a wide range of states and congressional districts overwhelmingly support background checks for all gun sales. The average support for background checks for all gun sales among 41 congressional district polls was 89 percent; the average among 21 statewide polls was 86 percent. The findings of these surveys can be found here. Full-page advertisements in today's Washington Post, Politico and Roll Call feature the poll results along with members of Congress from these states and districts and their ratings from the National Rifle Association.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns Releases New PSA Demanding Action from Congress

Mayors Against Illegal Guns has released a PSA featuring 30 mayors demanding that Congress take immediate action to prevent gun violence. The PSA marks a transition in the coalition's campaign from demanding a plan to demanding that Congress take action to pass legislation to require background checks for all sales, limit military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines and make gun trafficking a federal crime. The bipartisan coalition now includes more than 900 mayors from 45 states and more than 1.4 million grassroots supporters.
Statements of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Co-Chairs on President Obama's Comprehensive Proposal to Reduce Gun Violence
Mayors Against Illegal Guns Releases New Television Ad Demanding Action From Washington and Report On Gun Lobby Suppression of Research on Gun Violence on One-Month Anniversary of Newtown Shooting
Marking one month since the tragedy in Newtown, Mayors Against Illegal Guns today released a new national television ad (available here) featuring family members of gun violence victims demanding that political leaders take immediate steps to end the gun violence that kills 33 Americans every day. Co-chair Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg also released "Access Denied", a new report that surveys all the efforts by the gun lobby, with the cooperation of Congress, to suppress data and research funding on gun violence, making it difficult to study the causes of gun violence and to hold the firearms industry accountable for their role in the epidemic. The report (available here) was released at a summit focused on gun violence research at Johns Hopkins University's Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Read the press release
Mayors Against Illegal Guns Launches New TV Ad on Second Anniversary of Tucson Shooting

Two years after the Tucson mass shooting in which six were killed and former Representative Gabrielle Giffords was shot, Mayors Against Illegal Guns today released a new television ad featuring Roxanna Green, mother of Christina-Taylor Green, the nine year-old girl murdered that day. The 30-second spot opens with a scene from the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in which 20 children were killed. In the ad, Green demands that elected officials in Washington D.C. take immediate action to reduce gun violence in America. The ad can be viewed at

"How many more children must die before Washington does something to end our gun violence problem?" said Mayors Against Illegal Guns Co-Chair and New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg. "We need political leaders to hear Roxanna loud and clear: we cannot wait any longer for you to do something about gun violence. Another child should not have to die."

"Roxanna Green knows all too well the pain of losing a loved one to gun violence - sadly, there are parents and siblings and friends who learn this every day in our country," said Mayors Against Illegal Guns Co-Chair and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino. "It's time for Washington to act to reduce gun violence - for the 33 Americans that are killed every day and for all of our children."
Read the full release here
Watch the ad here
Statements of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Co-Chairs On National Rifle Association Press Conference

December 21, 2012 – “The NRA's Washington leadership has long been out of step with its members, and never has that been so apparent as this morning. Their press conference was a shameful evasion of the crisis facing our country. Instead of offering solutions to a problem they have helped create, they offered a paranoid, dystopian vision of a more dangerous and violent America where everyone is armed and no place is safe. Leadership is about taking responsibility, especially in times of crisis. Today the NRA's lobbyists blamed everyone but themselves for the crisis of gun violence. While they promote armed guards, they continue to oppose the most basic and common sense steps we can take to save lives - not only in schools, but in our movie theaters, malls, and streets. Enough. As a country, we must rise above special interest politics. Every day, nearly 34 Americans are murdered with guns. That's why 74 percent of NRA members support common sense restrictions like criminal background checks for anyone buying a gun. It is time for Americans who care about the Second Amendment and reasonable gun restrictions to join together to work with the President and Congress to stop the gun violence in this country. Demand a plan.”
Read the full statement

Coalition Members Send Concrete Proposals to Washington in the Wake of Newtown Mass Shooting

December 19 – More than 750 member of Mayors Against Illegal Guns today sent a letter to President Obama and Congressional leadership urging passage of legislation to: close deadly loopholes in the national background check system; limit the availability of military style weapons and high-capacity magazines; and make gun trafficking a federal crime.
Read the letter here

Survivors and Family Members of Gun Violence Victims Demand a Plan to Reduce Gun Violence from Washington
December 17, 2012 - Mayors Against Illegal Guns Co-Chair and New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg was joined today by survivors and family members of victims of gun violence to release personal videos demanding that elected officials in Washington D.C. take immediate action to reduce gun violence in America. The videos can be viewed at
The videos tell the stories of 34 Americans whose lives have been forever changed - whether in mass shootings in Aurora, Oak Creek, Tucson and Virginia Tech or in the daily gun violence that kills nearly 34 Americans every day. The diverse voices hail from urban and suburban areas across the country, young and old, of different races and religious backgrounds. Every story is different, but all survivors are united in their belief thatsomething must be done to prevent more tragedies like the one in Newtown, Connecticut and like the tragedy they personally experienced.
“What happened in Newtown was an unspeakable crime – a mass murder in which six- and seven-year-old children were gunned down in their classrooms, along with their elementary school teachers and administrators,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “Gun violence is a national epidemic – and a national tragedy – that demands more than words. It demands immediate national action, from the President and from Congress. It needs to be at the top of their agenda.”

Statements of Mayors Against Illegal Guns Co-Chairs on Newtown, Connecticut Shooting
December 14, 2012 – Statement of Mayor's Against Illegal Guns Co-Chair New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg: "With all the carnage from gun violence in our country, it's still almost impossible to believe that a mass shooting in a kindergarten class could happen. It has come to that. Not even kindergarteners learning their ABC's are safe. We heard after Columbine that it was too soon to talk about gun laws. We heard it after Virginia Tech. After Tucson and Aurora and Oak Creek. And now we are hearing it again. For every day we wait, nearly 34 more people are murdered with guns.
Michigan Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Police, Domestic Violence Opponents Block NRA Attempt to Eliminate Background Checks for Handguns Bought from Unlicensed Sellers

The Michigan Senate today rejected an attempt to eliminate a law requiring people who buy handguns from unlicensed sellers to first pass a background check, voting instead to preserve every essential element of a system mayors and police called a successful crime-fighting tool.
The vote marked a remarkable turnaround for legislation the National Rifle Association’s Washington office had designed as a vehicle to repeal the state’s “permit to purchase” system and eliminate the permit database maintained by the Michigan State Police. A version of the bill that would have gutted the permit system passed the Michigan House earlier this year and was widely expected to reach Governor Rick Snyder’s desk during the legislature’s lame-duck session.
Read the press release

Aurora Shooting Survivor Demands a Plan to Reduce Gun Violence From Presidential Candidates in Ad Campaign Aimed at Colorado Debate Viewers

A survivor of the July mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado is appearing in a new TV ad asking the presidential candidates to explain how they will reduce gun violence when they meet to debate on Wednesday less than ten miles from the Cinemark theater where a dozen people were killed and 58 wounded. The ad features Stephen Barton, a recent Syracuse University graduate and Fulbright Scholarship recipient who was shot while spending the night in Aurora on a bicycle trip across America. The ad will air nationally during the week that President Barack Obama and Governor Mitt Romney meet at the University of Denver for their first face-to-face debate.

Coalition Launches Interactive Map Showing Failure of States to Submit Mental Health Records

Fatal Gaps: Can Dangerous People Buy Guns in Your State?

August 16, 2012 - Mayors Against Illegal Guns has launched an interactive map showing how many mental health records each state has submitted to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), and comparing this performance with the best-performing states. Based on new FBI data updating the coalition's November 2011 Fatal Gaps report, the map shows that 21 states have each submitted fewer than 100 records. This continued failure to repair the system also spurred sixty-seven survivors and victims' family members of the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting to send a letter to President Obama and Governor Romney – demanding that the candidates announce plans to improve the nation's background check system.
Coalition Releases New Poll of NRA Members Showing Strong Support For Common-Sense Gun Laws

July 24, 2012 - Mayors Against Illegal Guns released the findings of a recent survey by GOP pollster Frank Luntz showing that NRA members and gun owners overwhelmingly support a variety of laws designed to keep firearms out of dangerous hands. The survey's key findings include that 87 percent of NRA members agree that support for Second Amendment rights goes hand-in-hand with keeping guns out of the hands of criminals, and 74 percent of NRA members and 87 percent of non-NRA gun owners support requiring criminal background checks of anyone purchasing a gun.
Mayors Against Illegal Guns Statement on Aurora Shooting

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of Aurora, Colorado

Mayors Oppose Concealed Carry Reciprocity Mandate
Mayors oppose pending legislation in Congress that would allow Trayvon Martin's killer to carry hidden, loaded guns nationwide.

Coalition Co-Chairs Urge the U.S. Senate to Reject Bills That Would Override State Laws on Concealed, Loaded GunsMarch 15, 2012 - New York City Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino join the more than 625 mayors, police officers, prosecutors and domestic violence experts who oppose legislation introduced in the U.S. Senate that would gut state rules for who can carry a concealed, loaded gun in public.
Coalition Co-Chairs Star in Super Bowl Ad Promoting Common Sense Reforms to Keep Guns Out of the Hands of CriminalsFebruary 2, 2012 - This Sunday, during Super Bowl XLVI, Patriots fan and Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino and Giants fan and New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg will appear in a new television advertisement promoting common sense reforms to keep guns out of the hands of criminals.

Follow Mayors Against Illegal Guns on Facebook and Twitter.

Fix Gun Checks: Delete Online Outlaws Urges Websites to Crack Down on Illegal Gun SalesDecember 14, 2011 - In response to a new investigation by the City of New York that exposed the vast, unregulated online market for illegal guns, Mayors Against Illegal Guns launched a grassroots effort to crack down on illegal online gun sales. The investigation found that 62% of sellers were willing to sell to individuals who said they couldn't pass a criminal background check. The coalition is urging Congress to take action to require a background check on all gun sales, and for websites to take simple steps to stop illegal sales: requiring sellers to register with the site before listing guns for sale online; requiring buyers to register with the site before contacting gun sellers; providing a simple mechanism to flag suspicious behavior; and auditing their own sites - as many sites are already doing.

New Coalition Report Shows State and Federal Failures Undermine Background Check System and Allow Substance Abusers and the Mentally Ill to Buy GunsNovember 14, 2011 - New Mayors Against Illegal Guns report reveals data showing that states and federal agencies fail to send millions of records to the federal firearms background check system, enabling substance abusers, the mentally ill and other dangerous individuals to pass background checks and purchase firearms.
Mayors Oppose Concealed Gun Mandate in New AdOctober 20, 2011 - Mayors Against Illegal Guns placed a full-page ad in USA Today calling on the U.S. Senate to reject an effort to strip state authority to decide who can carry concealed, loaded guns in public. This federal mandate would threaten the safety of our communities by putting loaded guns in the hands of people who are too dangerous to qualify for a local permit.

Coalition Launches Campaign Against National Concealed Carry ReciprocitySeptember 12, 2011 – A coalition of more than 600 mayors has launched a campaign to defend the rights of states to decide who can carry concealed, loaded guns. The campaign website,, highlights the broad opposition to the National Right-to-Carry Act (H.R.822) from law enforcement, faith leaders, domestic violence groups, and the more than 45,000 Americans who have signed the Our Lives, Our Laws petition. A new poll, also released today, shows that voters overwhelmingly oppose Congressional efforts to override state concealed carry laws.

Obama Administration Adopts Coalition Recommendation to Combat Illegal Gun Trafficking to MexicoThe co-chairs of Mayors Against Illegal Guns applauded the Obama Administration's implementation of a new policy that will help curb illegal gun trafficking to Mexico. The program requires gun dealers in border states to report bulk sales of the type of semi-automatic rifles preferred by Mexican drug cartels. A similar nationwide requirement for bulk handgun sales has already been in place for years. The new program is modeled on a proposal first made by Mayors Against Illegal Guns in August 2009 in its Blueprint for Federal Action on Illegal Guns.

Coalition Calls on President Obama to Strengthen and Better Enforce Gun LawsOn the six-month anniversary of the tragic shooting in Tucson, Mayors Against Illegal Guns issued a letter calling on President Obama to prevent criminals, terrorists, and other dangerous people from obtaining illegal guns. The coalition members offered four concrete steps the administration could take without Congressional action to better enforce existing gun laws, reminding the President that over 6,100 Americans have died from gun violence since the Tucson shooting.
Mayors Urge Repeal of Restrictions that Impede Investigation of "Fast & Furious"Mayors Michael R. Bloomberg and Thomas M. Menino, coalition co-chairs, called on Congressional leaders to repeal the Tiahrt restrictions that are blocking Congressional oversight of the ATF's controversial "Operation Fast & Furious." ATF allegedly allowed guns to be illegally trafficked to Mexico, possibly putting law enforcement officers in danger. The Tiahrt Amendments prohibit ATF from sharing crime gun trace data. As a result, Congress has been forced to request trace data connected to the Fast & Furious investigation from the Mexican Government.

Mayors Launch TV Ad Addressing Al Qaeda Gun PlotA coalition of more than 600 mayors has launched a national TV ad campaign calling attention to a recent Al Qaeda propaganda video that urges the terrorist group's followers to exploit loopholes to purchase firearms without background checks. The mayors' ad is running on national cable news programs this week. It urges Congress to pass the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 and the Denying Firearms to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2011, bills pending that would close the loopholes Al Qaeda publicized.
House Leaders Force Vote on Terror GapMay 12 2011 - Today, members of the House Judiciary Committee forced a vote on an amendment that would have closed the "Terror Gap" – a flaw in our national security infrastructure that has allowed more than 1300 terror suspects to buy guns and explosives since 2004. The amendment would have given the Attorney General the discretion to block the sale of firearms and explosives to terror suspects on a case-by-case basis. The Coalition strongly supports bipartisan legislation to close this deadly loophole.
Download an Issue Brief on the Terror Gap (in PDF)
Learn more about the Terror Gap
Read the Press Release

Congresswoman Wasserman Schultz and Miami Mayor Regalado Endorse Plan to Fix Gun Background Check System
The Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 is Introduced in the House of Representatives
May 6, 2011 - Yesterday members of the U.S. House of Representatives introduced the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 (H.R.1781). This legislation will close gaps in the national gun background system that have enabled criminals and other dangerous people – including Tucson shooter Jared Loughner – to easily obtain firearms. The bill was introduced by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy and more than two dozen other members, including Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers and Crime Subcommittee Ranking Member Bobby Scott. Senator Chuck Schumer introduced similar legislation in February. The Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 achieves the goal President Obama set after the Tucson mass shooting, a gun background check system that is "instant, accurate, and comprehensive."

Following President Obama's Call, Tucson Shooting Victims' Families Endorse Plan to Fix U.S. Gun Background Check SystemMarch 28, 2011 - Arizona families, civic leaders and elected officials today gathered to endorse legislation based on the Mayors' plan to fix the gun background check system. The press conference, in Tucson, brought together victims of the mass shooting on January 8th that killed 6 people and injured 13 others, including Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Attendees included Ross Zimmerman, the father of Gabe Zimmerman, Rep. Giffords' staff member who was killed in the shooting; James Fuller; Randy Gardner; Patricia Maisch, who prevented the shooter from reloading; Dr. Peter Rhee, chief of trauma at University Medical Center; and others. The event comes just two weeks after President Obama signaled his support for fixing background checks.

Key Members of Congress Join Mayor Bloomberg in Announcing House Version of the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011March 15, 2011 - Mayor Michael Bloomberg today applauded President Obama for his recent statements in support of fixing the gun background check system and closing the loopholes that enable criminals to avoid these checks; the President expressed his support in a March 13 letter written to the Arizona Daily Star. During the press conference in Washington D.C., Mayor Bloomberg was joined by New York Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy, who will introduce the Fix Gun Checks Act of 2011 in the U.S. House, other key House members from across the country.

President Obama Expresses Support for Fixing Background ChecksMarch 14, 2011 - In a letter to a Tucson newspaper yesterday, President Obama announced his support for an improved system to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. The President called for an "instant, accurate, and comprehensive" background check for gun sales, stressing that dangerous individuals should not be able to avoid the background check requirement altogether. His comments add to the growing momentum behind the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Fix Gun Checks campaign, which polls show also has the support of an overwhelming majority of Americans-including gun owners.

Photo of Mayor Bloomberg and Senator Schumer
New Polls in Five Bellwether States Show Overwhelming Support to Fix Gun Background Check System
March 2, 2011 - Mayors Against Illegal Guns today announced the results of five state polls showing that large majorities of the public - including gun owners - in five key states support closing the loopholes in the national gun background check system that now give dangerous people easy access to firearms.

February 23, 2011 - Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg and Senator Charles E. Schumer today announced new legislation to get all records of criminals, drug abusers, and the mentally ill, who are already prohibited by law from buying guns, into the background check system, and also to require background checks for every gun sale.

Mayors Launch National Drive to Fix Gun CHecks
Mayors Launch National Drive to Fix Gun Checks
February 16, 2011 - This morning, Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared on Good Morning America to launch the National Drive to Fix Gun Checks and raise awareness of gun crime across the country. The Fix Gun Checks billboard truck started in Times Square and keeps a running toll of the numbers of the Americans murdered by guns since the tragic shooting in Tucson, Arizona. The National Drive will criss-cross at least 25 states to meet with mayors, law enforcement, faith leaders, victims of gun violence, sportsmen, and supporters over the next two months.


America’s Mayors, Kennedy, and King Families Call on President and Congress to Act
January 25, 2011 – This morning, Mayors Against Illegal Guns joined with Martin Luther King, III and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend in sending an open letter to President Obama and Members of Congress urging them to fix the nation's criminal background check system. The letter appeared as a full page ad in the January 25th edition of the Washingon Post.
Take Action at

Coalition Urges President and Congress to Fix the Gun Background Check SystemJanuary 24, 2011 - Today coalition co-chair Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg stood with Martin Luther King III and family members of gun violence victims to urge Congress to fulfill the intent of the historic 1968 gun law and fix the nation’s broken background check system. In conjunction with the event, Mayors Against Illegal Guns launched a new website,, to call on the President and Congress to fix the background check system by (1) getting all of the names of all prohibited purchasers into the background check system and (2) requiring background checks for all gun sales.
Learn more and take action at

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