
Friday, January 13, 2012




"January 13, 2012
Join the ANSWER Coalition in the streets for mass actions over the next three days.
Jobs Not Jails!
End mass incarceration now!
March and Rally

Saturday, Jan. 14 at 11 a.m.
7th & O Sts. NW, Washington, D.C.

(Green/Yellow Line to Mt. Pleasant-Convention Center)
Prisoner rights march

Despite having only 5% of the world's population, the United States contains 25% of the worlds incarcerated persons, with 2 million people imprisoned. This is over 1 million more than the country with the next largest prison population. Driven by the ruinous so-called “War on Drugs,” the mass incarceration epidemic is disproportionately aimed at poor and working-class communities, particularly those that are mostly Black. Nearly one out of two people in the United States lives either in poverty or close to poverty. Mass unemployment among young people is a dominating reality. Just over 35% of those in prison are Black, despite Black people representing roughly 13% of the population. 21.2% of those incarcerated in the United States are there for non-violent drug offenses. The proliferation of “supermax” prisons around the country has rapidly increased the number of prisoners subjected to prolonged isolation. Long-term isolation is widely considered akin to torture.

Join us to demand:
End the Drug War Now! Release All Non-Violent Drug Offenders! End Exploitation of Prisoners Families!
End Inhumane Living Conditions in Prisons! Jobs not Jails!
Sponsored by the Jobs Not Jails Coalition
Endorsed by:
ANSWER Coalition; Ceasefire: Don’t Smoke the Brothers and Sisters; Returning Citizens United; New Jim Crow Movement; Party for Socialism and Liberation; Movement for Love and Unity; Political Education and Action Committee-Howard University

March with ANSWER at the MLK Day Parade
in D.C., LA and San Francisco on Mon, Jan. 16
Bring the message of jobs, housing and health care, not war!
we are 99% labor community march los angeles
The ANSWER Coalition is proud to join in honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by participating in MLK Day parades across the country on Monday, Jan. 16. We will be there raising the banner of social justice, jobs, health care, and housing, not endless war for empire. Join us to show your commitment to ending war and racism in the spirit of unity and solidarity!
Washington, D.C.:
    • Parade line up is at 8:30 a.m. on the grounds of St. Elizabeth Hospital, Gate #5 at 11th St. and Alabama Ave. SE
    • The parade begins at 11 a.m. from the Friendship Elementary School located at 645 Milwaukee Place SE
    • The parade will proceed along Martin Luther King Ave SE to South Capitol Street and end at Leckie Elementary School, 4201 Martin Luther King Ave. SW
      Los Angeles:
      • 9am: Meet to carpool at ANSWER office, 137 N. Virgil Ave #201, LA
      • 10am: Meet at march site, corner of Western Ave. & MLK Blvd.
      San Francisco:
      • Gather at 11am at Caltrain station (4th St. at King St.)
      • March to Yerba Buena Garden (Mission St. between 3rd St. and 4th St.) for a rally and performances.
      We can't do this work without you. The ANSWER Coalition is organizing everyday all over the United States, connecting the dots between war, racism and economic injustice. Please make an urgently needed donation to support the work of the ANSWER Coalition."

      "Video: 'A great national tragedy for Iraqis'

      U.S. intervention to continue

      December 23, 2011
      Brian Becker, National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition, speaks to RT about why the war in Iraq is not a victory for the U.S., how the U.S. will continue to violate Iraqi sovereignty and the devastating impact of the years of sanctions, war and occupation on the Iraqi people."

      "Deja 50 muertos y 100 heridos atentado en Irak contra peregrinos chiítas

      Un kamikaze hizo explotar un cinturón de explosivos durante la entrega de víveres a los fieles."


      El resistirse a lo irresistible no siempre fortalece a quienes se creen irresistibles, sí, a aquell@s que ‘no mandan obedeciendo a sus mandantes’… FIDEIIUS (Fideiius).

      Centro de Alerta para la Defensa de los Pueblos Investigación, análisis, documentación y denuncias sobre la injerencia y subversión contra los pueblos de América Latina

      "Noam Chomsky*: Estados Unidos es el mayor terrorista del mundo..." Institute Professor and professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology*

      EEUU despilfarró miles de millones de dólares del area social de Irak

      “We don’t do body counts”.- General Tommy Franks

      "Hey, bad guys: If it is certain that you in God trust, you should not be afraid, just let the music play…!”.FIDEIIUS (Fideiius).


      Perseguido por EEUU: Camarógrafo estadounidense que filmó imágenes del 11/9 enfrenta extradición

      The Washington Post: Estados Unidos es el vergonzoso suministrador de armas al narcotráfico

      *) "Tres generaciones se han echado a perder por mi culpa: Rius"

      *) "Noam Chomsky: Los cables de WikiLeaks revelan un “profundo odio a la democracia por parte de nuestra dirigencia política” “Debemos comprender -y los Papeles del Pentágono son otro ejemplo claro- que una de las principales razones del secreto gubernamental es proteger al gobierno contra su propia población”

      *) Stépahne Hessel: “No estoy aquí para testimoniar sobre lo que pasó en Chile. Estoy aquí para hablar en nombre de la evolución del derecho internacional, que siempre es demasiado lenta. Para mí este juicio representa un paso adelante porque vivimos en un mundo en el que los crímenes impunes pesan sobre la conciencia internacional” (Referida por Anne Marie Mergier en “ Sentencia implacable”

      Sitio especial de La Jornada sobre WikiLeaks"

      "En una extensa entrevista con 60 minutes, Julian Assange, fundador de Wikileaks, dice: “Somos activistas por la libertad de expresión. No se trata de salvar a las ballenas, se trata de darle a la gente la información que necesita para apoyar o no la caza de ballenas. ¿Por qué? Son los ingredientes crudos que se necesitan para hacer una sociedad justa. Sin ellos, simplemente estás navegando en la oscuridad”.- Julian Assange. (Tomado de 'La Jornada')

      Be Traist...!

      Just let the hammock swing...!

      P.D.: "Agua de Coco Pa' Toch@s" *

      "Once again, the cat is shaking the roof...!" *

      Universal Rights and Universal Values... But that is romantically substantive for those who try to ignore the Universal Jurisdiction and its procedures to evade justice... FIDEIIUS (Fideiius).

      Miles de simpatizantes del movimiento Ocupa marcharon del centro de Oakland a la zona portuaria. Autoridades del lugar emitieron un comunicado en el que informaron que las operaciones estaban detenidas, lo que provocó el júbilo de los manifestantes. En una decisión sorpresiva, la alcaldesa Jean Quan dio el día a los trabajadores municipales para que se sumaran a la protesta Foto Ap

      David Brooks, Corresponsal

      ¡Oh mujer… que tu ausencia sea mi más cercana vecina…! FIDEIIUS.

      A FREE K’

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