
Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Excessive verbiage... the problem continues potentially...
If there are another massacre, does the political class will share its responsibility with the competent law enforcement and school districts (ISD) ...?

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix*

"NRA Letter to former President Bush
For Immediate Release - May 10, 1995
For Information Contact: Bill Powers (703) 267-3820

Statement by Wayne LaPierre Executive Vice President, National Rifle Association

(Washington, DC) -- Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the National Rifle Association of America, issued the following statement today:

"I am releasing a copy of a letter from NRA President Tom Washington to former President George Bush. It speaks for itself and I can only add that the issue has been joined on matters of critical importance to our nation's future. The American public needs to know the truth about BATF abuses. We will meet our critics in congressional hearings and I am confident that when all the testimony is in, our words and actions will be completely vindicated."

May 10, 1995

    President George Bush
    P.O.Box 79798
    Houston, Texas 77279-9798

Dear President Bush: I was surprised and saddened to see your letter of May 3, 1995. I can understand and sympathize with the deeply emotional consequences you are enduring as a result of losing a close friend in the Oklahoma City tragedy. We, too, have NRA members who were victims and rescuers that were scarred by that most horrendous crime.  I'm sorry that you have chosen to unequivocally condemn NRA's words without first seeking an explanation. Surely, a private exchange between us might persuade you to at least reserve a final opinion until all the facts are examined. Such a course of action, I believe, would have better served the country than what now will become a public disagreement that can only lead to more polarization in these troubled times.  Within hours of the bombing, NRA issued a statement declaring that "The National Rifle Association of America has nothing but contempt for terrorists or hate groups that attempt to disguise themselves as patriots." Deploring the monstrous act, we called for the death penalty for those found responsible, praised federal, state and local authorities and declared that law enforcement has "... no stronger ally than the NRA." Following the President's call on Sunday, April 23 for a "lowering of voices," NRA began the week of April 24 with no intention of seeking political advantage from such a calamity. By nightfall, Mr. Clinton, Congressman Schumer, anti-gun groups and members of the media had begun a full frontal assault on so- called "hate-speech." Our offices in Washington were immediately flooded with press inquiries demanding that we defend numerous statements we had made in recent months with regard to the conduct of the BATF. Each day continued to bring new participants in the NRA bashing frenzy that today grips the national media. NRA has been accused of contributing to an atmosphere that encourages unstable people to commit violent acts. Our words have been characterized as grievous, defamatory, insensitive distortions of truth. In return and with respect for the heartbreaking aftermath the nation has witnessed, we have tried to respond with a measured tone. We have argued calmly and responsibly that our position has merit and that a fair, unbiased analysis is the only way to address these issues. After exhaustive interviews with The New York Times, The Washington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC, Time and dozens of others, it is disheartening to see such enthusiasm for stories on NRA rhetoric and so much reluctance to balance those presentations with fact. As someone who has been victimized yourself by such media tactics, I would have expected you to allow us to offer information that was not being provided by the press. On January 10, 1994, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the NRA and other organizations appealed to President Clinton for the appointment of a national commission to "... investigate serious allegations of abuse by federal law enforcement agencies and to recommend steps that must be taken to reduce constitutional and human rights violations by federal law enforcement personnel." Citing "... serious allegations of abuse, including the improper use of deadly force...", our letter offered specific examples of black suited, masked, massively armed mobs of screaming, swearing agents invading the homes of innocents: DONALD CARLSON  On August 25, 1992 at about 10:30 p.m., Donald Carlson returned to his home in Poway, California, opened his garage door with a remote control device, simultaneously illuminating the garage so that Drug Enforcement Administration agents conducting surveillance from nearby could see inside. Just after midnight, when Carlson was asleep, a group of DEA agents burst into his house. Thinking they were robbers, Carlson grabbed his pistol to defend himself. He also dialed 911 for help. The agents shot Carlson three times, twice after he was down and clearly disabled. Carlson spent seven weeks in intensive care, fighting for his life. No drugs were found on the premises.  It was later learned that the Federal Customs Service, the DEA and the U.S. Attorney's Office in San Diego had relied on an informant who was known to be untrustworthy and who claimed Carlson's garage contained 2,500 kilograms of cocaine (a large amount which would have taken up most of the garage) and four armed guards. The agents conducted the raid in spite of the fact they could see the informant's information was erroneous.  As of this writing, none of the federal agents involved in the incident have been sanctioned nor has Mr. Carlson been compensated for his injuries.  SINA BRUSH  Just after dawn on September 5, 1991 some sixty agents from the DEA, U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF), and National Guard, complete with painted faces and camouflage and accompanied by another twenty or more National Guard troops with a light armored vehicle, raided the homes of Sina Brush and two of her neighbors near Montainair, New Mexico. Brush and her daughter were still asleep. Hearing noises outside, Ms. Brush got up and was only halfway across the room, when the door was kicked in by the agents. Clad only in their underwear, Ms. Brush and her daughter were handcuffed and forced to kneel in the middle of the room while the agents searched the house. No drugs were found. Just as in the Carlson case, the police had obtained a warrant using information furnished by an unreliable informant and had entered Brush's home without knocking first.  WACO  This most notorious case has stunned the sensibilities of millions of Americans. According to The Wall Street Journal, "...the BATF showed up at the Davidian compound with two cattle trucks full of agents in battle gear and a plan for 'dynamic entry'." The siege that followed the initial assault included terrifying, psychological warfare tactics and ended when a second attack, utilizing tanks and gas, led to conflagration. "Weird cultists" (your words)? Some of the adults, but certainly not the children.  For two years now, thousands of calls and letters of outrage have been received by government, the media and yes, the NRA. The cries of "thugs", "Nazi" and "storm trooper" came first, not from the NRA, but from the minds and mouths of Americans describing what they had seen on television.  RANDY WEAVER  This debacle at Ruby Ridge continues to fan a seething backlash in the country. A fourteen year old boy was shot in the back and killed. A mother was shot by a sniper in the head and killed while holding a baby. A jury found BATF guilty of entrapment and the defendant was acquitted. How does it all add up to justifiable behavior by, once again, black shrouded forces with armored personnel carriers, helicopters and snipers all arrayed against a family in a cabin? Hundreds of good people have told me that scene reminds them of what this country once fought against and should never stand for.  Mr. President, there are more names and more abuse;  JANICE HART PORTLAND, OREGON FEBRUARY 1993  Janice Hart pulled up to her house from grocery shopping with her daughters to find her house being ransacked by ATF agents who had kicked in the door. Agents searched her home, throwing dishes, pulling clothing from hangers and emptying drawers on the floor (she photographed the damage). Some eight ATF agents interrogated her in the basement for an hour before reading her her rights. She asked to call an attorney and the agents refused. When they finally asked her if she was Janice Marie Harrell, she told them no, that she was Janice Hart. ATF agents mocked her, accused her of selling firearms and cocaine, then arrested her. The Portland Police, who she commended for their professional demeanor, took her downtown for booking and, within thirty seconds of fingerprinting her, realized ATF had the wrong person.  LOUIS KATONA BUCYRUS, OHIO  Louis Katona is a police officer in Bucyrus, Ohio. When shouting and cursing BATF agents rushed into his home to seize his firearms collection, they grabbed his pregnant wife, Kim, and shoved her into a wall. Within days, she suffered a miscarriage. A federal judge threw the government's case out of court and ordered BATF to immediately return Mr. Katona's guns or face jail themselves. The Katonas are presently pressing civil charges against BATF.  I could go on to tell you about Harry and Teresa Lamplugh, Ron and Elaine Miller, Howard and Sandy Wittenberg and many others. All victims of forceful, abusive and often vicious assaults on their homes and businesses by BATF agents who turned out not to have a case. You would hear about cancer medicines thrown all over the floor, family pets stomped to death, terrified children separated from their parents, tires slashed, threatening and hang-up telephone calls and other such behavior that has nothing to do with the America I grew up in.  If all the above is not bad enough, just 62 days ago, on Wednesday, March 8, 1995 USA Today reported that "...a group of black agents has sued the 4,200-employee agency (BATF), charging widespread discrimination." The special agent in charge of ATF's Houston office, Donnie Carter, said, "There's institutional racism.." inside BATF. The article continues: "The suit charges ATF officials have routinely ignored racial abuses while funneling blacks into low-paying, but dangerous street assignments with little career potential. The black agents' legal documents cite numerous racial problems, including how: White agents in Oklahoma City in 1991 plastered their walls with a Confederate flag, a 'State of Oklahoma Nigger Hunting License', and a Ku Klux Klan business card. Black agents at the ATF office in Chicago in 1991 went to the photocopier and found a picture of civil rights activist Jesse Jackson with the words 'jungle bunny' scrawled on it."  Mr. President, if you watched any of NRA's recent appearances on national television, you know that we did not use this article to deflect criticism of our own language. Nor did we refer to the "60 Minutes" report that appeared on Sunday, January 12, 1993 in which female BATF agents themselves described a sickening pattern of sexual harassment, intimidation and retaliation in their own ranks. One agent reported, "I was held against the hood of my car and my clothes ripped off by two agents." Another said a male agent had "... repeatedly left dildos on my desk." She then reported that, "... he trapped me in a room and told me he would screw me in a New York minute."  A male BATF agent who had come forward to support the charges of the female agents summed it up this way: "They violate the basic principles and tenets of the Constitution and the laws and simple ethics of morality. That's what disgusts me."  Just last Thursday, May 4, The New York Times, in an editorial stated that BATF, "...has had its share of problems, including inexcusable errors leading up to the tragedy at Waco." The editorial went on to say that BATF, "... is badly in need of internal reform. Waco was merely the most spectacular in a series of lapses in which the BATF became too aggressive...". They referred to BATF's, "...woeful record of sex and racial discrimination." They said, "BATF is struggling with a legacy of mismanagement and large, visible mistakes that have undermined the public's confidence in its ability to do its job." And finally, the editorial declared that, "...if the agency is to survive, it must face its demons." Toward that end, the editorial concluded that congressional hearings, "...can serve a useful purpose." That is exactly what NRA, ACLU, BATF's victims and millions of concerned citizens have been demanding for the last two years.  The same editorial reminded its readers that, "Representative John Dingell has called its agents 'jack-booted American fascists' and Representative Harold Volkmer has called BATF 'one of the most Rambo-rogue law enforcement agencies in the United States'."  Let me also call to your attention that the last time BATF abuses were investigated was in hearings before the Subcommittee on Treasury, Post Office and General Appropriations of the Senate Appropriations Committee in July 1979 and April 1980, and before the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Senate Judiciary Committee in October 1980. They concluded, "Based upon these hearings it is apparent that enforcement tactics made possible by current federal firearms laws are constitutionally, legally, and practically reprehensible. ...These practices, amply documented in hearings before this Subcommittee, leave little doubt that the Bureau has disregarded rights guaranteed by the Constitution and laws of the United States. ...It has trampled upon the Second Amendment by chilling exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by law abiding citizens. ... It has offended the Fourth Amendment by unreasonably searching and seizing private property. ..It has ignored the Fifth Amendment by taking private property without just compensation and by entrapping honest citizens without regard for their right to due process of law. ... The rebuttal presented to the Subcommittee by the Bureau was utterly unconvincing. ...Evidence was submitted establishing that approximately 75 percent of BATF gun prosecutions were aimed at ordinary citizens who had neither criminal intent nor knowledge...."  Following the lead of the Senate, it was the Reagan-Bush Administration that cracked down on BATF and cleaned up the way they conducted themselves throughout the ensuing decade. Have you forgotten, President Bush, your previous passion for justice and fairness for all law-abiding citizens? The facts are there, Mr. President. No American citizen can be proud of this agency's record in the last four years. Certainly, there are many fine, professional and heroic BATF agents who have served our nation with great distinction during this period, but their professionalism and honor are being overwhelmed by an increasingly angry and outraged American public that will not tolerate fear of their own government. That's why The Wall Street Journal in an editorial last Tuesday, May 2, 1995 said "...recent history suggests that the people in charge of this country's system of law, order and justice had better get their acts together pretty darn quick." And, in a little noted and largely ignored Time/CNN poll conducted eight days after the bombing in Oklahoma City, fifty-two percent of those questioned agreed that "...the federal government has become so powerful that it poses a threat to the rights and freedoms of citizens." That so many Americans actually fear their own government is a storm cloud on this country's horizon of unimaginable proportions.  Are NRA's words to blame? Are John Dingell's? Is it the rhetoric of Rush Limbaugh or Bill Clinton or David Letterman? I don't think so. I believe more and more Americans see an emerging double standard that disgusts them. Again, I quote from The Wall Street Journal editorial of May 2, 1995, "Allowing for the dilemmas of the real world, we seem to have a double standard today: It says that law enforcement officials can do what they want with unpopular defendants like religious fanatics and white supremacists. But in dealing with suspects who might charge racial prejudice, they have to be careful indeed. Even in the wake of Oklahoma City, we are about to have the release of a Mario Van Peebles film making the Black Panthers into entertainment, guns and all."  President Bush, NRA never intended for its words to offend your sense of decency and honor or your concept of service to country. I firmly believe that after a thorough congressional examination of BATF, you will agree that our words have been more truth than slander. I believe you will judge too much of what BATF has done to be inexcusable and deserving of your personal repudiation. Therefore, I respectfully ask you to reconsider your resignation as a Life Member of the National Rifle Association until all the facts are known. Then, if you still feel that NRA has been wrong in the way it has confronted this issue, NRA will deserve your resignation. Until then, I believe we and the American people deserve your help in getting to the truth.  Respectfully,
    Tom Washington
    National Rifle Association of America

This information is presented as a service to the Internet community by the NRA/ILA. Some useful URLs: http://WWW.NRA.Org, gopher://GOPHER.NRA.Org, wais://WAIS.NRA.Org, ftp://FTP.NRA.Org, mailto:LISTPROC@NRA.Org (Send the word help as the body of a message)
Information can also be obtained by connecting directly to the NRA-ILA GUN-TALK BBS at (703) 934-2121. is maintained by

World-Wide-Web html format by
Scott Ostrander:"

"Mitt Romney And The NRA: A 'Diss' Before Courtship"


"Media Exaggerate NRA's Ability To Punish Politicians Who Favor Popular Gun Violence Prevention Measures"
"Student Brings Gun To School In Utah For 'Protection' After Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

Posted: | Updated: 12/19/2012 3:10 am EST
An 11-year-old student may face charges after he said his parents encouraged him to bring a gun to school for protection.
Fox Salt Lake City reports that the boy said his parents' suggestion came after the devastating Sandy Hook Elementary shooting on Friday.

The student allegedly pulled the .22-caliber pistol out of his backpack during recess Monday morning and pointed it at one of his classmates.

"He pulled out a gun and he put it to my head — me and my friend — (and) said he was going to kill us," Isabelle Rios told KSL. "I told him I was going to tell, but he said, ‘If you tell, I'm going to kill you.'"

Teachers were made aware of the situation and disarmed the student within seconds, then called police. The suspect's name wasn't released.

A spokesperson for the Granite School District said his office will investigate and look into criminal charges against the 11-year-old.

Think Progress reports that conservative advocates of looser gun restrictions have been arguing for more guns in schools to prevent tragedies like Sandy Hook. Their proposals include allowing teachers to bring guns to class."


"Sepultan a dos de los 20 niños asesinados en la primaria de Newtown

Residentes en Washington protestaron frente a la Asociación Nacional del Rifle y exigieron poner freno a la venta indiscriminada de armas Foto Xinhua"

"Escuelas de EU aumentan sus medidas de seguridad

El gobernador de Conneticut, en favor de controlar venta de armas

La Casa Blanca señala que aún no tiene agenda concreta sobre el asunto

Poderoso integrante de la Asociación del Rifle, dispuesto a abrir el tema

Encuesta: 54% de estadunidenses, por limitar más este comercio"

"Calculan que el agresor disparó durante 10 minutos; la escuela permanecerá cerrada

Sepultan a primeras víctimas de la matanza en Connecticut

El multihomicida estudió en el colegio atacado

Obama, sin una agenda concreta sobre las armas

Imágenes de algunas víctimas de la matanza en una escuela en la localidad de Newtown, aparecidas en páginas de Internet. Fila superior: Ana Márquez-Greene, Caroline Previdi, Jessica Rekos, Emilie Parker, Noah Pozner. Segunda: Jesse Lewis, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Charlotte Bacon, Chase Kowalski. Tercera: Daniel Barden, Jack Pinto, Catherine Hubbard, Dylan Hockley, Benjamin Wheeler. Cuarta: Grace McDonnell, James Mattioli, Avielle Richman, Rachel Davino, Anne Marie Murphy. Quinta: Lauren Rousseau, Mary Sherlach, Victoria Soto, Dawn Hochsprung y Nancy Lanza Foto Reuters
 Afp, Reuters, Dpa y The Independent
Periódico La Jornada
Martes 18 de diciembre de 2012, p. 20
Newtown, 17 de diciembre. Noah Pozner y Jack Pinto, dos de los 20 niños asesinados el pasado viernes en la escuela Sandy Hook, de la localidad de Newtown, en Connecticut, fueron sepultados hoy en momentos en que comenzaron a conocerse más testimonios de sobrevivientes de la matanza perpetrada por Adam Lanza.
Los primeros funerales se realizaron en Newtown y Fairfield, un pueblo vecino.

Noah fue la víctima más joven, cumplió seis años hace un mes. Su hermana melliza, Arielle, salió ilesa. Un oso de peluche y un ramo de flores blancas fueron colocadas bajo un árbol durante el servicio judío en Newtown.

En el funeral de Jack, en Fairfield, algunos niños se quitaron sus medallas de oro y se las dieron a los padres de su compañero asesinado. En un ataúd abierto, Jack, fanático de los Gigantes de Nueva York, llevaba una camiseta roja y blanca con el número 80, de Victor Cruz.

Las exequias de los otros 18 niños y seis adultos tendrán lugar en la semana.

La primaria Sandy Hook podría permanecer cerrada unos meses mientras duren las investigaciones, declaró el vocero de la policía de Connecticut, Paul Vance. Los estudiantes tomarán clases de manera temporal en una escuela vacía de un pueblo cercano.

Vance indicó que la policía interroga a varios testigos.
Ideas sobre el fin del mundo pudieron influenciar a Lanza
Se ha establecido que tras matar a su madre, Nancy Lanza, en casa, el multihomicida acudió al colegio en el que estudió de niño, según antiguos compañeros, con su rifle Bushmaster AR 15 y dos pistolas. Además, tenía un arma corta que dejó en el coche que estacionó afuera del plantel. Luego de perpetrar la matanza, el joven se suicidó.

Para sortear el sistema de seguridad, rompió una ventana para ingresar al edificio. Primero abrió fuego contra la directora y la sicóloga de la escuela. Se estima que el hombre disparó durante 10 minutos. La policía no ha querido comentar el orden de los asesinatos.

Además, de acuerdo con los diarios Daily Mail y Chicago Tribune, el motivo que pudo llevar a Adam Lanza a asesinar fue que estuvo influenciado por las ideas de su madre, Nancy, quien creía firmemente en las profecías sobre el fin del mundo.

ABC News informó que una niña de seis años sobrevivió al tiroteo gracias a que fingió estar muerta. Mami, estoy bien, pero todos mis amigos están muertos, fueron las palabras de la menor que no ha sido identificada.

La pequeña salió de la escuela ensangrentada, pero ilesa, explicó el párroco local, Jim Solomon, a quien la madre de la niña pidió apoyo espiritual.

¡Déjenme entrar, déjenme entrar!, gritaba el autor de la matanza a niños y maestras encerrados en un aula de la escuela Sandy Hook, cuenta con increíble calma y aferrado a un oso de peluche el pequeño Nicholas Sabillon.

La puerta estaba cerrada con llave tras un rápida reacción de la maestra de música, Maryrose Kristopik, y eso salvó a niños y adultos, según el relato del chico de nueve años entrevistado por Afp junto a sus padres, Jose y Sherry Sabillon, tras la visita del presidente Barack Obama a Newtown.

Cuando escuchamos los dos primeros tiros, la señorita Kristopik vino a la puerta y otra señorita corrió por el pasillo. La señorita Kristopik agarró rápido sus llaves y cerró. Quedamos todos en la clase de música. Estábamos aterrados y rezando. Nos agarramos de la mano para no hacer ningún ruido, recuerda.

“Luego escuchamos que se rompió un vidrio, nos asustamos y oímos golpes en la puerta del salón de al lado. Estábamos llorando y escuchamos al hombre gritar: ‘¡Déjenme entrar, déjenme entrar!’”, dice imitando la voz grave de Adam Lanza, el autor de la matanza.

No abrimos la puerta, que estaba cerrada con llave, y por suerte corrió y se fue.

Los dos adultos que resultaron heridos en el tiroteo y sobrevivieron, son considerados testigos claves que podrían ayudar a reconstruir los pasos de Lanza.

Todas las escuelas de Estados Unidos incrementaron la seguridad. La presencia de un sospechoso determinó hoy el cierre de una escuela de Ridgefield, también en Connecticut, y el despliegue de fuerzas policiales en torno a los centros educativos de esa localidad, cercana a Newtown. La amenaza resultó falsa.

Dannel Malloy, gobernador de Connecticut, se declaró a favor de leyes federales más enérgicas para controlar la posesión de armas. Expresó que el próximo viernes en todo el estado se guardará un minuto de silencio y doblarán las campanas de las iglesias en memoria de los fallecidos.

La Casa Blanca dijo que aún no tiene una agenda concreta sobre la tenencia privada de armas. El vocero de la presidencia Jay Carney, dijo que en las próximas semanas Obama comunicará a los estadunidenses posibles enfoques sobre el tema.

Cerca de 160 mil personas firmaron en tres días una petición en el sitio de Internet de la Casa Blanca para que Obama trabaje por un mayor control de la circulación de armas en el país.

El líder de la mayoría demócrata en el Senado y miembro de la poderosa Asociación Nacional del Rifle, Harry Reid, dijo que el Congreso debe conducir una conversación significativa sobre la legislación de las armas para ayudar a prevenir otra tragedia como la del viernes pasado.

Por lo pronto, 54 por ciento de los estadunidenses apoya mayores restricciones a la venta de armas, y cerca de seis de cada diez apoyan prohibir los cargadores de alta capacidad, según una encuesta de la cadena ABC y The Washington Post."

"Biden presidirá comisión sobre violencia con armas de fuego

El grupo de trabajo explorará nuevas vías legales para restringir la venta de rifles de asalto y revisará las políticas sobre problemas siquiátricos y la violencia en la cultura popular.

Publicado: 19/12/2012 08:22

Washington. El mandatario de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, designará este miércoles a su vicepresidente, Joe Biden, para liderar una comisión que buscará nuevas fórmulas legislativas contra la violencia derivada de las armas de fuego tras la matanza en una escuela primaria el viernes, informaron varios medios del país.
Los diarios The New York Times y The Washington Post citaron a fuentes de la Casa Blanca que afirman que Obama nombrará oficialmente a Biden al frente de la comisión sobre la violencia de las armas de fuego.
El grupo de trabajo explorará nuevas vías legales para restringir la venta de rifles de asalto, así como revisará las políticas sobre problemas siquiátricos y la violencia en la cultura popular. Durante un homenaje a las víctimas, el presidente estadunidense prometió tomar acciones para evitar nuevas tragedias como la del tiroteo el viernes en una escuela primaria de Newtown, Connecticut, en el que murieron 20 niños y seis adultos.
El martes, el portavoz de la Casa Blanca, Jay Carney, afirmó que Obama “apoya activamente” los esfuerzos del Congreso por volver a imponer una ley para prohibir la venta de rifles de asalto, en referencia a la propuesta que piensa introducir en enero ante el Congreso la senadora demócrata por California, Dianne Feinstein.
La matanza de Newtown conmocionó a Estados Unidos y ha reavivado el debate sobre el control de la venta de las armas en el país."
9:11 AM - 19 Dec 12 · Details
Eligio Del Awiizotl@EligioAwiizotl

"Obama Announces Gun Violence Task Force, Presses For Policy Changes After Shooting

By JULIE PACE 12/19/12 06:24 PM ET EST AP
Even before those proposals are drafted, Obama pressed lawmakers to reinstate a ban on military-style assault weapons, close loopholes that allow gun buyers to skirt background checks and restrict high-capacity ammunition clips.

"The fact that this problem is complex can no longer be an excuse for doing nothing," Obama said in his most detailed comments on guns since Friday's killing of 20 schoolchildren and six adults in Newtown, Conn. "The fact that we can't prevent every act of violence doesn't mean we can't steadily reduce the violence."

Gun control measures have faced fierce resistance in Congress for years but that may be changing now because of last week's violence. Since then, Obama has signaled for the first time in his presidency that he's willing to spend political capital on the issue and some prominent gun-rights advocates on Capitol Hill – Democrats and Republicans alike – have expressed willingness to consider new measures.

Still, given the long history of opposition to tighter gun laws, there is no certainty the legislation Obama backed Wednesday or the proposals he will send to Congress next month will become law.
Obama tasked Vice President Joe Biden, a longtime gun control advocate, with overseeing the administration-wide process to create those proposals. Beyond firearms' restrictions, officials will also look for ways to increase mental health resources and consider steps to keep society from glamorizing guns and violence.

Obama's January deadline underscores the desire among White House officials to respond swiftly to the Newtown shooting. Obama aides worry that as the shock of the shooting fades, so, too, will the prospects that pro-gun lawmakers will work with the White House to tighten restrictions.

"I would hope that our memories aren't so short that what we saw in Newtown isn't lingering with us, that we don't remain passionate about it only a month later," said Obama. He pledged to talk about gun violence in his State of the Union address.

Emphasizing the need to take action, Obama said eight people have been killed by guns across the U.S. since the Newtown shooting. Among them were a 4-year-old boy and three law enforcement officers.
The president has called for a national dialogue on gun violence before, after other mass shootings during his presidency. But his rhetoric has not been backed up with concrete action. And some of the gun measures Obama has signed lessened restrictions on guns, allowing people to carry concealed weapons in national parks and in checked bags on Amtrak trains

The president bristled at suggestions that he had been silent on gun issues during his four years in office. But he acknowledged that the Newtown shooting had been "a wake-up call for all of us."
The shooting appears to have had a similar impact on several longtime gun backers on Capitol Hill. West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, a conservative Democrat and avid hunter, has said "everything should be on the table" as Washington looks to prevent another tragedy, as has 10-term House Republican Jack Kingston of Georgia

There was little response from Republicans Wednesday following Obama's statements. New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an independent who has been sharply critical of the president's lack of action on gun issues, called the effort a step in the right direction.

Obama, seeking to ease the fears of gun owners, reiterated his support for the Second Amendment. And he said no effort to reduce gun violence would be successful without their participation.

"I am also betting that the majority, the vast majority, of responsible law-abiding gun owners would be some of the first to say that we should be able to keep an irresponsible, law-breaking few from buying a weapon of war," he said.

He also challenged the National Rifle Association to do "some self-reflection." The gun lobby is a powerful political force, particularly in Republican primaries, and previously has worked to unseat lawmakers who back gun control measures.

The NRA, in its first statements since the shooting, pledged Tuesday to offer "meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again."

The Biden-led task force will also explore ways to improve mental health resources and address ways to create a culture that doesn't promote violence. The departments of Justice, Education, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security, along with outside groups and lawmakers, will all be part of the process.

Biden will start his discussions Thursday when he meets with law enforcement officers from around the country. He'll be joined by Attorney General Eric Holder, Education Secretary Arne Duncan, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius.

Biden's prominent role could be an asset for the White House in getting gun legislation through Congress. The vice president spent decades in the Senate and has been called on by Obama before to use his long-standing relationships with lawmakers to build support for White House measures.

The vice president also brings to the effort a long history of working on gun control issues, having chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee and leading the original effort to ban assault weapons. The ban expired in 2004, but Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., says she plans to bring it back for a vote early next year."

WASHINGTON -- Spurred by a horrific elementary school shooting, President Barack Obama vowed to send Congress new policy proposals for reducing gun violence by January. "This time, the words need to ...
WASHINGTON -- Spurred by a horrific elementary school shooting, President Barack Obama vowed to send Congress new policy proposals for reducing gun violence by January. "This time, the words need to ...

"DIANNE FEINSTEIN TO INTRODUCE ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN ON FIRST DAY OF CONGRESS",or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=2afa5d44ccb651f3&bpcl=40096503&biw=1024&bih=640
El resistirse a lo irresistible no siempre fortalece a quienes se creen irresistibles, sí, a aquell@s que ‘no mandan obedeciendo a sus mandantes’… FIDEIIUS (Fideiius).
"Hey, bad guys: If it is certain that you in God trust, you should not be afraid, just let the music play…!”.FIDEIIUS (Fideiius).
¡Oh mujer… que tu ausencia sea mi más cercana vecina…! FIDEIIUS.

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