Don Adolfo Aguilar Zinser (qepd).
"Document - Mexico: Further information: Landowner's men threaten residents
Further information on UA: 15/09 Index: AMR 41/061/2011 Mexico Date: 30 September 2011 Date: 14 January 2011
People living in a neighbourhood of the northern Mexican city of Ciudad Juárez, Lomas del Poleo, have been threatened by security guards working for a local landowning family. Most people have fled the area, but those still living there are at risk of attack.
Lomas del Poleo resident Daniel Ramón Ramírez Hernández was stopped by a security guard on 24 September, as he walked home from a community meeting, who told him, “Do not walk into my property or I will have someone beat you up and force you out” (No te andes metiendo a mi predio o te mando a sacar a punta de chingazos yo mismo te mando a golpear). Moments later, he was surrounded by three men on horses who threatened to beat him up. Just as Daniel Ramón Ramírez Hernández was arriving home another man drove past him in a pickup truck and told him, “We do not want to see you being part of protests, what the hell were you doing in that meeting” (No te queremos ver metido en pedos, que chingados haces en esa reunion).
Over the past two weeks, Lomas del Poleo residents have staged a sit-in to protest against the closure of the Lomas del Poleo school. During the sit-in, the protestors' homes have been broken into and ransacked by men who stole their belongings.
People living in Lomas del Poleo have been harassed and attacked since 2003 by men working for the landowner, who has tried to force them off land they have lived on for decades. In 2004 these men put up a barbed wire fence around the area, with a single entrance patrolled by security guards. In 2005, according to people living there, the guards set fire to 40 homes and beat a man to death. Few families still live in the area. They say they have told the local Public Prosecutor’s office about what has happened, but there has never been a serious investigation.
Please write immediately in Spanish, English or your own language:
Urging the authorities to provide appropriate protection to Daniel Ramón Ramírez Hernández and other residents of Lomas del Poleo, who have been threatened by security guards working for local landowners,;
Urging them to order independent and impartial investigations into the attacks and intimidation, and to bring those responsible to justice;
Urging them to prevent any attempt to drive residents of Lomas del Poleo off their land, and to ensure the dispute is resolved fairly and satisfactorily in the Agrarian Tribunal.
Governor of Chihuahua State Lic. César Duarte Jáquez
Gobernadora del Estado delChihuahua, Palacio del Gobierno, 1er piso, C. Aldama #901, Col. Centro,
Chihuahua, Estado de Chihuahua, C.P. 31000, Mexico
Fax: +52 614 429 3300 (ext. 11066)
Salutation: Dear Governor
Minister of the Interior
Lic. José Francisco Blake Mora
Secretario de Gobernación
Abraham González No.48
Col. Juárez, Del. Cuauhtémoc
México, D.F, C. P. 06600, Mexico
Fax: +52 55 50933414 (a voice will ask for the extension: dial 32356) Email:
Salutation: Dear Minister
And copies to:
Mayor of Ciudad Juárez
Ing. Héctor Murgía Lardizábal
Presidente Municipal de Ciudad Juárez
Unidad Administrativa Benito Juárez. Primer piso, ala norte.
Av. Francisco Villa # 950 Norte, Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico
Fax: +52 656 2078800 (ext. 2302)
Email: presidente@juarez.gob.
Also send copies to diplomatic representatives accredited to your country. Please insert local diplomatic addresses below:
Name Address 1 Address 2 Address 3 Fax Fax number Email Email address Salutation Salutation
Please check with your section office if sending appeals after the above date. This is the sixth update of UA 15/09. Further information: URGENT ACTION
ADditional Information
The land of Lomas del Poleo has become much more valuable over the last few years, as it stands between the city of Ciudad Juárez and an area which a group of businessmen are developing into a new urban and industrial area.
An Agrarian Tribunal, which is in charge of deciding who the lands belongs to, has been considering the dispute over the ownership of the Lomas del Poleo land for over a year. Negotiations between the local landowner, the federal government and the residents of Lomas del Poleo broke down in early 2011. Since then, despite its apparent commitment to seeking a solution, the federal government has made no attempt to communicate with the residents of Lomas del Poleo.
Name: Daniel Ramón Ramirez Hernandez
Gender m/f: m
Further information on UA: 15/09 Index: AMR 41/061/2011 .Mexico Date: 30 September 2011"
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