
Friday, May 9, 2014


"Trabajadores de McDonald's, Burger King y Wendy's amenazan con protesta global

vie, 09 may 2014 19:01

Nueva York. Los trabajadores de diversas cadenas de restaurantes de comida rápida planean realizar huelgas el 15 de mayo en 150 ciudades de todo Estados Unidos y protestas en otros 33 países, para exigir mayores salarios y mejores condiciones laborales, dijeron organizadores el miércoles en Nueva York.
Sería un nuevo paso en una serie de protestas llevadas a cabo en los últimos 18 meses en Estados Unidos que tiene como objetivos a cadenas como McDonald's Corp, Burger King Worldwide Inc, Wendy's Co y KFC, de Yum Brands Inc .
En diciembre, organizaciones de trabajadores realizaron manifestaciones en cientos de ciudades de Estados Unidos, alegando que sus salarios no eran suficientes para poder vivir.
Los trabajadores estadounidenses del sector comidas rápidas que participen no se presentarán en sus puestos el 15 de mayo para exigir sueldos de 15 dólares por hora y el derecho a formar un sindicato sin represalias, dijeron organizadores.
Entre las ciudades estadounidenses en las que hay huelgas planeadas figuran Filadelfia, Sacramento, Miami y Orlando. Organizadores dicen que las protestas en todo el mundo involucrarán a ciudades en Europa, Asia y Sudamérica, entre otras regiones.
Entre los grupos que defienden a los trabajadores y participan del planeamiento de las huelgas están Fast Food Forward y Hungry for Justice, respaldados por la Unión Internacional de los Trabajadores de la Alimentación, Agrícolas, Hoteles, Restaurantes, Tabaco y Afines, que representa a unos 12 millones de operarios en 126 países.
Tanto McDonald's -la cadena de restaurantes más grande del mundo en concepto de ingresos- como Burger King defendieron su trato hacia los empleados en diferentes comunicados."


"Moms Demand Action Wants Jack in the Box to Ban Guns in Stores

The gun control group Moms Demand Action recently started a petition asking Jack in the Box to ban guns at its corporate-owned stores.
The online petition was launched after Jack in the Box employees at a Fort Worth, Texas, store reportedly hid in a freezer during a visit by armed pro-gun Open Carry Texas activists.
The armed activists (pictured) were grabbing a bite to eat before going to a nearby Home Depot to carry their guns inside that store. However, a 911 call was made and police surrounded the Jack in the Box.
“Officers spoke with Jack in the Box employees who reported that they feared for their lives and believed they were being robbed,” the Fort Worth Police Department told Forbes. “They locked themselves inside a freezer for protection out of fear the rifle-carrying men would rob them.”
Shannon Watts, the founder of Moms Demand Action, said in a press release: “Where state gun laws dangerously allow individuals with no background check or training to buy semi-automatic rifles and carry them openly in public, businesses have a duty to protect their employees and patrons.”

“That’s why we are calling on Jack In the Box and other businesses to follow Starbucks’ lead and prohibit the open carry of rifles on their property,” added Watts.

However, Open Carry Texas claims no employees were scared at the Jack in the Box, notes
“The truth is that not a single employee of Jack in the Box hid in a freezer nor did a single employee call 911 or the police,” Open Carry Texas wrote on its Facebook page on Tuesday.
“The 911 call was made by a couple in the restaurant,” added Open Carry Texas. “We are working to get the 911 call, the police report, and other recordings to find out where this information originated and expose those reporting false information to achieve their anti-gun agendas.”

In response to the petition, Moms Demand Action quotes Jack in the Box’s Vice President of Corporate Communications Brian Luscomb as saying: “The presence of guns inside a restaurant could create an uncomfortable situation for our guests and employees and lead to unintended consequences.”
However, Jack in the Box has not announced a ban on guns, so Moms Demand Action is going to continue its campaign.
Sources: Forbes, Facebook,, Moms Demand Action"

8:07 PM - 9 May 2014 · Details

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